Fiber composites since 1985


Hempel overcoating table

Table of Con­tents In gen­er­al, most antifoul­ings are com­pat­i­ble with each oth­er and can be reworked direct­ly or with lit­tle effort. How­ev­er, it should be

FAQ — CTM Onlineshop

Anoth­er big event besides our move is the launch of our new online store! You can now, whether from the office or on the road, order

Launch of our new online shop! Our goal is to gen­er­ate the great­est pos­si­ble added val­ue for our cus­tomers through the high qual­i­ty of our prod­ucts and ser­vices. To achieve

CTM Firmengebäude

We have moved! New address for the CTM.

Zurück Weit­er We are pleased to inform you that CTM GmbH — Com­pos­ite Tech­nolo­gie & Mate­r­i­al has estab­lished a new com­pa­ny head­quar­ters after one year

New! SPABOND 400 Series

Ein­führung in Spabond 400Spabond™ 400 ist ein zäh­har­ter Epox­id-Struk­­turkle­b­stoff der neuen Gen­er­a­tion für Anwen­dun­gen mit hoher dynamis­ch­er Belas­tung, der aus 4 Sys­te­men besteht.Vorteile der Spabond

Was ist GFK (Glasfaser)?

What is fiberglass?

What is fiberglass?Fiberglass is a plas­tic-based com­pos­ite mate­r­i­al con­sist­ing of dry glass fibers and poly­ester resin…Wide range of applications!GRP pro­files have high strength, light weight

Why GRP structural profiles?

What are fiber glass?Fiberglass is a plas­tic-based com­pos­ite mate­r­i­al con­sist­ing of dry glass fibers and poly­ester resin…Wide range of applications!GRP pro­files have high strength, light


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