Fiber composites since 1985



Your part­ner for pro­fes­sion­al boat and shipbuilding

wind industry

mate­ri­als and repair sys­tems for the wind industry.
isle of wight
Spabond 400 series, adhesives


High-qual­i­ty com­pos­ite materials

Fast Shipping

Do you need your order as soon as pos­si­ble? With our fast ship­ping ser­vice, that’s no prob­lem! We ensure that your prod­ucts arrive quick­ly and reliably.

Technical Support

Do you have tech­ni­cal prob­lems or ques­tions? Our tech­ni­cal sup­port is just a phone call away! Our experts pro­vide quick and com­pe­tent assis­tance with all tech­ni­cal issues, so you can con­tin­ue with­out worries.


Do you have ques­tions about com­pos­ite mate­ri­als? Our spe­cial­ists are avail­able by phone! Whether you want to dis­cuss tech­ni­cal details, appli­ca­tions, or the lat­est devel­op­ments – we offer you knowl­edge­able and prac­ti­cal advice. Pick up the phone and let us answer your questions!


since 1985

As a whole­saler of high-qual­i­ty com­pos­ite mate­ri­als, CTM GmbH offers future-ori­ent­ed solu­tions for light­weight con­struc­tion in indus­try, wind ener­gy, marine, and med­ical sec­tors. CTM pro­vides its cus­tomers with expert advice and a com­plete range of prod­ucts for the pro­duc­tion of all types of com­pos­ite components.



CTM GmbH Com­pos­ite Tech­nolo­gie & Mate­r­i­al

Maria-Goep­pert-May­er Straße 5 
24837 Schleswig 

Your partner for high-quality composite materials

CTM GmbH — Composite Technologie & Material

CTM GmbH — Com­pos­ite Tech­nolo­gie & Mate­r­i­al is a pio­neer­ing sup­pli­er of high-qual­i­ty fiber-rein­forced com­pos­ites. We offer our cus­tomers com­pe­tent con­sult­ing and a com­plete range of prod­ucts for the pro­duc­tion of any fiber com­pos­ite com­po­nent. As Gurit’s main dis­trib­u­tor in Ger­many for inno­v­a­tive com­pos­ite mate­ri­als and lead­ing tech­nol­o­gy part­ner, CTM is ded­i­cat­ed to the intro­duc­tion of sus­tain­able mate­ri­als. With the launch of the AmproTM mul­ti-pur­pose epoxy sys­tems such as the AmproTM Bio and CLR cur­ing agents, as well as the AmproTM Stan­dard and Bio Resin, new stan­dards have already been set.The new Prime 37 infu­sion resin with Ampreg 3X hard­en­ers and a high organ­ic con­tent rein­forces our sus­tain­abil­i­ty pro­gram in the epoxy sec­tor. With the use of flax fibers from our part­ner BComp in com­bi­na­tion with the 100% recy­cled Ker­dyn PET foam, we are push­ing ahead with the expan­sion of CO2-free com­po­nents. In this area we still have some excit­ing mate­ri­als and projects in prepa­ra­tion. We invite you to dis­cov­er the CTM prod­uct and brand world.

CTM News

CTM Gebäude
isle of wight
Spabond 400 series, adhesives

CTM News

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