Fiber composites since 1985

New! SPABOND 400 Series

Ein­führung in Spabond 400
Spabond™ 400 ist ein zäh­har­ter Epox­id-Struk­turkleb­stoff der neuen Gen­er­a­tion für Anwen­dun­gen mit hoher dynamis­ch­er Belas­tung, der aus 4 Sys­te­men besteht.
Vorteile der Spabond 400-Reihe
Spabond™ 400 wurde entwick­elt, um die Hand­habung und Anwen­dungsleis­tung zu verbessern
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Introduction to Spabond™ 400

Spabond™ 400 is a new gen­er­a­tion, tough­ened, struc­tur­al epoxy adhe­sive for high dynam­ic load appli­ca­tions, com­pris­ing of 4 systems: 
  • Spabond™ 435: Ide­al for thin bond­lines such as core bond­ing, large sur­face areas and detailed work.
  • Spabond™ 440: Opti­mised for rapid dis­pense from car­tridges or auto­mat­ed mix­ing machines.
  • Spabond™ 445: For large gap fill­ing & fil­let­ing appli­ca­tions as well as high per­for­mance projects, with a black resin option available.
  • Spabond™ 400FR: struc­tur­al fire retar­dant epoxy adhesive

Why is Spabond™ 335, 340LV and 345 being replaced?

Kleben mit Spabond 400

Spabond remains a key adhe­sive brand for Marine and indus­tri­al appli­ca­tions The Spabond™ 300 series is being replaced because:

  • Oppor­tu­ni­ty to Improve han­dling and pro­cess­ing prop­er­ties, dis­pens­ing & car­ba­ma­tion resistance
  • Sim­pli­fy the port­fo­lio, mov­ing from 13 to 5 components
  • Improved Health & Safety

Spabond™ 400 offers cus­tomers the same ben­e­fits as the Spabond™ 300 series, with improved Health & Safe­ty, appli­ca­tion and per­for­mance advantages

What is changing?

Spabond™ 400 is a new prod­uct range that cov­ers the full func­tion­al­i­ty of Spabond™ 335, 340 and 345. The sim­pli­fied port­fo­lio has 3 resins with increas­ing sag resistance.

  • 10mm: SP335 = now SP435
  • 20mm: SP340 = now SP440
  • 30mm: SP345 = now SP445

All resins use the same 2 hardeners:

  • Spabond™ 400 Fast: ½ hour work­ing time
  • Spabond™ 400 Slow: 3 ½ hour work­ing time
    • 6 hour thin film work­ing time
    • 15 hour clamp time
Harz und Haerter

The Spabond™ 400 Range: Key Properties 

The sim­pli­fied Spabond™ 400 series still cov­ers the same range of func­tion­al­i­ty as the Spabond™ 300 range 
Spabond™ 435 Ide­al for thin bond­lines such as core bond­ing, large sur­face areas and detailed work.Up to 10 mmFast½ hour35 MPa
Slow3 ½ hours35 MPa
Spabond™ 440
Opti­mised for rapid dis­pense from car­tridges or auto­mat­ed mix­ing machines.
Up to 20 mmFast½ hour39 MPa
Slow3 ½ hours37 MPa
Spabond™ 445
For large gap fill­ing & fil­let­ing appli­ca­tions and high per­for­mance projects, with a black resin option available.
Up to 30 mmFast½ hour37 MPa
Slow3 ½ hours36 MPa
Spabond™ 400FR Struc­tur­al fire retar­dant epoxy adhesiveUp to 20 mmFast½ hour39 MPa

Benefits of Spabond™ 400

Spabond™ 400 Improved Handling & Application

Spabond™ 400 has been for­mu­lat­ed to improve han­dling & appli­ca­tion performance:

  • Improved dis­pense and sag resis­tance recovery
  • Improved manip­u­la­tion & fil­let­ing performance
  • Robust to high humid­i­ty application

Pproduct features chart

 SP 335SP 340SP 345SP 400
Man­u­al dispense★★★★☆★★★☆☆★★☆☆☆★★★★☆
Sag resis­tance recovery★★☆☆☆★★★★☆★★★★★★★★★★
Sur­face wetting★★★★☆★★★★☆★★★☆☆★★★★☆
Manip­u­la­tion / Filleting★★★☆☆★★★☆☆★★☆☆☆★★★★☆
High Humid­i­ty★★★★☆★★★☆☆★★★★☆★★★★☆

Enhanced Curing Profile

Spabond™ 400 Series only has 2 hard­en­er speeds: Fast and Slow

Spabond™ 400 Slow hard­en­er com­bines the key char­ac­ter­is­tics of the Spabond™ 300 series Slow and Extra-Slow hardeners:

  • Longest hard­en­er thin film work­ing time (SP345 Extra-Slow) of 6hrs
  • Fastest overnight clamp time (SP340 Slow) of 15 hours
  • This allows enough time to bond large struc­tures whilst main­tain­ing an overnight ini­tial cure

Lapshear Strength (MPa) Adhesion Data

Com­pa­ra­ble materials

37 MPa
30 MPa
Stain­less Steel 
30 MPa
29 MPa
26 MPa
13 MPa
26 MPa

Improved Health & Safety

The cur­rent 300 series hard­en­ers con­tain sub­stances of very high con­cern (SVHCs).  Gurit Inter­nal pol­i­cy and exter­nal leg­is­la­tion mean these need to be removed or improved. Spabond™ 400 hard­en­ers are low tox­i­c­i­ty formulations:

  • Improved Haz­ard Labelling
  • Free of Car­cino­gens, Muta­gens & Repro­tox­ins (CMR’s)
  • Free from Sub­stances of Very High Con­cern (SVHC’s)
  • Reduced Envi­ron­men­tal Hazards

300 Series Fast Hardener

400 Series Fast Hardener

3rd Party Certifications

Spabond 435, 440 and 445 will all ben­e­fit from DNV and Lloyds cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. Spabond 400FR is the only RINA cer­ti­fied FR adhe­sive for the con­struc­tion of A, B & C class divisions 
Sys­temHard­en­erDNVLloyd’s Reg­is­terRINA
300er SerieSpabond™ 335not cer­ti­fiednot cer­ti­fiednot cer­ti­fied
Spabond™ 340LV HT✓ Cer­ti­fiednot cer­ti­fiednot cer­ti­fied
Spabond™ 345✓ Cer­ti­fiedabge­laufennot cer­ti­fied
400er SerieSpabond™ 435✓ Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in progress✓ Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in progressnot cer­ti­fied
Spabond™ 440✓ Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in progress✓ Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in progressnot cer­ti­fied
Spabond™ 445✓ Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in progress✓ Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in progressnot cer­ti­fied
Spabond™ 400FRnot cer­ti­fiednot cer­ti­fied✓ Cer­ti­fied

Structural Fire Retardant Epoxy Adhesive

Spabond 400FR
Spabond 400FR
  • Self-extin­guish­es fol­low­ing UL-94 type test (rep­re­sents V0 classification)
  • Low tox­i­c­i­ty & halo­gen free
  • Sim­ple 3:1 mix ratio by volume
  • Avail­able with fast hardener
  • Excel­lent gap fill­ing properties
  • Good ther­mal, mechan­i­cal & adhe­sive performance
  • RINA Cer­ti­fied:
    • Sur­face mate­ri­als and floor cov­er­ings with low flame-spread characteristics
    • Adhe­sives used in the con­struc­tion of ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ class divisions

Mix Ratio – why has it changed?

The vis­cos­i­ty of the hard­en­er com­po­nent has a large impact on the sag resis­tance of the mixed sys­tem. Mov­ing to a 3 : 1 mix ratio, reduces the amount of hard­en­er and change in con­sis­ten­cy of the mixed sys­tem. Allows us to have 2 hard­en­ers for use with 3 resins with a sag resis­tance of 5 to 30mm.

Improved packaging concept

Cor­rect Size Car­tridge Boxes

Reduced waste & emp­ty vol­ume & more sta­ble to pre­vent col­lapse in transit.

Increase in Dis­pense Speed
0 %
385ml Car­tridges
  • Co-axi­al dis­pense & not side by side
  • Ensure prim­ing pro­ce­dure is followed
  • Exist­ing dis­pensers can be used
800ml Car­tridges
  • Up to 30% faster dispense
  • Exist­ing 900ml and 400ml dis­pensers can be used with minor mod­i­fi­ca­tion (replace­ment of the hard­en­er plunger)


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