Fiber composites since 1985

Why GRP structural profiles?

Table of Contents 

Wide range of applications!

Our GRP pro­files have high strength, light weight and out­stand­ing dura­bil­i­ty. This makes them a pre­mi­um alter­na­tive to tra­di­tion­al mate­ri­als such as con­crete, alu­minum and wood. See here how we have helped oth­ers imple­ment future-proof GRP solu­tions in areas such as bridges, plat­forms and access routes, as well as stairs and handrails.

maritime platforms fiberline 01

Platforms for maritime environments

The fact that fiber­glass pro­files and grat­ings require no main­te­nance and do not cor­rode makes them the choice for mar­itime envi­ron­ments. FRP prod­ucts have a proven track record in appli­ca­tions in and around salt water. There­fore, jet­ties and the plat­forms in har­bors are increas­ing­ly equipped with cor­ro­sion-resis­tant com­pos­ite pro­files and gratings.

fiberline bridge norre aaby bridge

Durable GRP bridges

With GRP bridges, you get a strong and light­weight struc­ture that can be eas­i­ly fab­ri­cat­ed and assem­bled on site using ordi­nary tools. In addi­tion, GRP bridges have a long ser­vice life and are main­te­nance-free. These are fac­tors that make GRP bridges a more sus­tain­able and future-proof solu­tion. By com­bin­ing these advan­tages, the wide range of fiber­glass pro­files and deck­ing com­po­nents can be used for all types of bridges.

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Stairs & handrails with GRP

The stair and handrail sys­tems have proven them­selves in the con­struc­tion indus­try, com­bin­ing high strength and light weight with cor­ro­sion resis­tance. This makes our stair and handrail sys­tem an excel­lent and cost-effec­tive alter­na­tive to con­ven­tion­al mate­ri­als such as wood, steel and alu­minum. The mate­r­i­al is vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance-free and a life expectan­cy of over 100 years is not uncommon.

GFK Roste

Cladding with GRP gratings

Fiber­glass grat­ing can be used as part of the facade to cre­ate an excit­ing play with light while meet­ing the building’s weight restric­tions. This is because the GRP mate­r­i­al is lighter than tra­di­tion­al mate­ri­als such as con­crete. It is also durable and requires no maintenance. 

fiberline steckgelaender 1 1x1 1m

Industrial platforms

Durable and cor­ro­sion-resis­tant GRP grids, planks and pro­files are par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for indus­tri­al plat­forms in demand­ing envi­ron­ments because they do not rust or rot. In addi­tion, the light­weight com­pos­ite mate­r­i­al is easy to adapt on site, requires min­i­mal main­te­nance and is non-con­duc­tive. The plat­forms also have non-slip sur­faces and are equipped with CTM’s Indus­tri­al Rail­ing Sys­tem to ensure bet­ter safety.

Advantages of pultruded glass fiber

Excel­lent resis­tance to aggres­sive chem­i­cals, envi­ron­men­tal influ­ences and unlike met­als, elec­trolyt­ic corrosion.

Strong as steel, high glass fiber con­tent and very low water absorp­tion of approx. 3%. This ensures sta­ble properties.

Only a quar­ter of the weight of steel and about half that of alu­minum — result­ing in light­weight designs, ease of han­dling and cost-effec­tive transportation.

Non-elec­tri­cal­ly con­duc­tive — thus reduc­ing the com­plex­i­ty of ground­ing, e.g. in rail­road applications.

A heat trans­fer coef­fi­cient far below that of steel or alu­minum con­tributes to an ener­gy-effi­cient end product.

CERTIFIED QUALITY Cer­ti­fi­ca­tions accord­ing to ISO 9001, EN 13706 and abZ. This ensures high qual­i­ty at all times. 

Excel­lent dura­bil­i­ty ensures long ser­vice life with min­i­mal main­te­nance require­ments. UV pro­tec­tion due to out­er layer.

Nor­mal pow­er tools can be used for pro­cess­ing GRP. As with hard­wood, hard­ened steel drill bits and dia­mond-coat­ed saw blades are recommended.

The ener­gy-sav­ing man­u­fac­tur­ing process and ISO 14001 ener­gy cer­ti­fi­ca­tion enable sus­tain­able end prod­ucts. The glass fiber waste is used as a sub­sti­tute mate­r­i­al in cement production.

GRP — building materials of the future!

GRP is a plas­tic-based com­pos­ite mate­r­i­al. This means that the mate­r­i­al is made of one or more sub­stances that togeth­er cre­ate a unique mate­r­i­al that is cus­tom-made for a spe­cif­ic purpose.

Our fiber­glass pro­files are made of dry glass fibers and a liq­uid matrix, usu­al­ly a ther­moset poly­ester. The slight­ly more tech­ni­cal term is glass fiber rein­forced poly­mer. How­ev­er, the most com­mon des­ig­na­tions are fiber­glass or GFRP. Indi­vid­u­al­ly, these two sub­stances are not suit­able for use in struc­tures, but togeth­er they make an excep­tion­al­ly strong and rigid mate­r­i­al that is often a more cost-effec­tive and sus­tain­able alter­na­tive to con­ven­tion­al build­ing mate­ri­als — lit­er­al­ly tai­lor-made for the con­struc­tion of the future.

rail grating structural profiles gfrp solution fibreglass 03

Our products

Due to its light­ness, strength and dura­bil­i­ty, GRP opens up pos­si­bil­i­ties for sophis­ti­cat­ed, intel­li­gent final designs. Unlike con­ven­tion­al mate­ri­als, the mate­r­i­al prop­er­ties of pul­trud­ed GRP pro­files can be cus­tomized. The pro­files can thus be adapt­ed to the appli­ca­tion and cus­tomer needs, e.g. in the con­struc­tion, off­shore and indus­tri­al sectors.

GRP pro­files are cor­ro­sion resis­tant and an eco­nom­i­cal alter­na­tive to con­crete, wood, steel and alu­minum. The pro­files have a long ser­vice life, avoid­ing the cost of expen­sive replace­ment of ele­ments. Our wide range includes U pro­files, I pro­files, angle pro­files, square tubes, flat pro­files, rail­ing pro­files and acces­sories such as fit­tings, bolts and screws.

Our GRP pro­files have the strength of steel, but the den­si­ty is only a quar­ter. This allows a weight sav­ing on the GRP com­po­nents. This usu­al­ly leads to sav­ings in con­struc­tion costs, both for spe­cial tools and for the per­son­nel and assem­bly time, which can affect oth­er operations.

With our GRP planks you get a cost-effec­tive alter­na­tive to tra­di­tion­al cov­ers, plank­ing or bridge deck­ing. The planks are ide­al for reduc­ing the weight of the final struc­ture with­out com­pro­mis­ing the required strength. The light weight also reduces con­struc­tion costs, such as labor and spe­cial machin­ery. Our planks are suit­able for dif­fer­ent load require­ments. Due to their rel­a­tive­ly high strength, GRP planks are very suit­able for bridge decks, cov­ers and plank­ing. It is pos­si­ble to real­ize con­struc­tions with the strength of steel or con­crete, but weigh­ing con­sid­er­ably less. A clear advan­tage, because the trans­port of the solu­tion from the place of assem­bly to the place of assem­bly becomes cheap­er and the assem­bly is eas­i­er overall.

Our grat­ings are made of glass fiber rein­forced plas­tic and are there­fore durable and cor­ro­sion resis­tant. They are there­fore ide­al­ly suit­ed for demand­ing envi­ron­ments such as off­shore, in the chem­i­cal indus­try, swim­ming pools and cool­ing tow­ers. They are durable and do not rust — unlike steel. Our GRP grat­ings have a non-slip and durable sur­face. Since the non-slip sur­face does not affect the load-bear­ing capac­i­ty of the grates, they are ide­al for use in industry.

Do you have a ques­tion for us? Our team is here for you. Con­tact us now for your indi­vid­ual project. We have a solu­tion for almost every­thing! Give us a call: +49 4621 95533


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Produktkatalog 2025

Broschüre Konstruktionsprofile