Fiber composites since 1985

Underwater ship calculator

Deter­min­ing the amount need­ed for your antifoul­ing and primer coat is pret­ty sim­ple. Just use our under­wa­ter ship cal­cu­la­tor for this pur­pose. Whether it’s a power­boat, sail­boat, short keel or long keel, our under­wa­ter hull cal­cu­la­tor will help you cal­cu­late the area to be coat­ed and the approx­i­mate amount of paint need­ed to paint the entire under­wa­ter hull. 

CTM recommends:

For suf­fi­cient osmo­sis pro­tec­tion, we rec­om­mend six coats of gel or light primer, one coat of under­wa­ter primer and two coats of antifoul­ing. Do you want to change from your exist­ing antifoul­ing to Hempel antifoul­ing? Then maybe our Hempel over­coat­ing table will help you.

Unterwasserschiffrechner Motorboot
Unterwasserschiffrechner Kurzkieler
Unterwasserschiffrechner Langkieler


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