Fiber composites since 1985


Bostik joint calculator

With this handy tool you can quick­ly and eas­i­ly cal­cu­late the required amount of sealant for your joints. Sim­ply enter the length, width and depth

Ampro | Simplification of the product range!

Ampro from Gurit is the ide­al mul­ti-pur­­pose epoxy resin sys­tem for pro­fes­sion­al crafts­men. It is easy to han­dle, sol­vent-free and has very low tox­i­c­i­ty. Ampro

Laminate calculator

Lam­i­nate cal­cu­la­tor ✓ Cal­cu­late required mate­ri­als ✓ Cal­cu­late lam­i­nate ✓ Epoxy sys­tems ✓ Rein­forc­ing fibers.

Underwater ship calculator

Deter­min­ing the amount need­ed for your antifoul­ing and primer coat is pret­ty sim­ple. Just use our under­wa­ter ship cal­cu­la­tor for this pur­pose. Whether it’s a powerboat,

Epoxy resin calculator

Epoxy sys­tems con­sist of two com­po­nents, a resin and a hard­en­er. When these are mixed in the cor­rect ratio, a chem­i­cal reac­tion takes place and


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