Fiber composites since 1985


Which antifouling is right?

Table of con­tents  Which antifoul­ing is right? Foul­ing on the hull  If microor­gan­isms, plants or even ani­mals attach them­selves to the hull of a ship, this is

Ampro Alex Karja

Ampro is my new favourite!

Table of con­tents  Sven Kra­ja and his expe­ri­ence with Ampro “I have been a boat builder for 30 years and have worked with epoxy all my

CTM — New company headquarter

CTM increas­es its capa­bil­i­ties. In order to con­tin­ue to offer our clien­tele our ser­vice qual­i­ties at the high­est lev­el, an increase in our capa­bil­i­ties is

Launch of Ampreg-3x Epoxy Laminating Resin

Ampreg-3x series The AmpregTM 3X Series replaces Gurit’s lega­cy range of wet lam­i­na­tion sys­tems for the man­u­fac­ture of large com­pos­ite struc­tures in the marine, wind


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