Fiber composites since 1985

Silic One — the most effective solution against fouling

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Silic One

Silic One — Fouling Release System

Dis­cov­er Hempel’s lat­est inno­va­tion and tech­no­log­i­cal excel­lence — the new sil­i­cone-based Sil­ic One Foul­ing Release Sys­tem!

This fan­tas­tic, bio­cide-free sil­i­cone and hydro­gel-based prod­uct imparts water-like prop­er­ties to the coat­ing sur­face. This makes it hard­er for foul­ing organ­isms to set­tle on the hull and fall off faster when the boat is in motion.

What is a Fouling Release System?

  • Under­wa­ter coat­ing to pre­vent fouling
  • Cre­ates a non-stick surface
  • Cop­per-free

What is Hydrogel?

Hydro­gel is based on unique, non-reac­tive poly­mers that are added to the coat­ing and form an invis­i­ble pro­tec­tive lay­er between the hull sur­face and the water. Foul­ing organ­isms per­ceive the hull as a liq­uid and are there­fore much less like­ly to adhere.

Structure of the hydrogel after removal

The poly­mers respon­si­ble for the for­ma­tion of hydro­gel are even­ly dis­trib­uted in the coat­ing. When the orig­i­nal hydro­gel is removed, a new hydro­gel lay­er forms imme­di­ate­ly when the poly­mer respon­si­ble for hydro­gel for­ma­tion comes into con­tact with water.

 Antifoul­ingSil­i­cone Foul­ing Release
How it worksAntifoul­ing (foul­ing pre­ven­tion) works by the con­trolled release of bio­cides that pre­vent foul­ing organ­isms from adher­ing to the boat. Upon con­tact with water, the top antifoul­ing lay­er acti­vates and the bio­cides it con­tains are con­tin­u­ous­ly released.Unlike antifoul­ing, the Foul­ing Release Sys­tem does not use bio­cides. This sil­i­cone and hydro­gel-based prod­uct imparts water-like prop­er­ties to the coat­ing sur­face. This means that foul­ing organ­isms can no longer set­tle so eas­i­ly on the hull and fall off more quick­ly when the boat is in motion.
Dif­fer­ence in costIn the first year, the cost of antifoul­ing is low­er com­pared to the sil­i­cone-based foul­ing release sys­tem, but main­te­nance costs from the sec­ond year onwards are higher.The Foul­ing Release Sys­tem is more expen­sive in the first year, but you save on main­te­nance in the sec­ond and third years. Sil­ic One reduces fric­tion and con­se­quent­ly pro­vides high­er speed and fuel savings.
Types of boatsDepend­ing on the type of boat build­ing mate­r­i­al and oth­er fac­tors, there are dif­fer­ent types of antifouling.The Foul­ing Release Sys­tem can be used for all boat­build­ing sub­strates except wood. Some­times more foul­ing forms, some­times less. The fre­quen­cy of use of the boat and sail­ing speed play a deci­sive role. Opti­mum per­for­mance is there­fore to be expect­ed with motor boats.

Cleaning during the season

Hempel’s Sil­ic One is very easy to clean. Sim­ply clean the sur­face with fresh water from a pres­sure wash­er. Alter­na­tive­ly fine-pored they can also use a sponge or cloth and then rinse with a hose. Be care­ful not to scratch the sur­face when clean­ing. On fast power­boats, Hempel’s Sil­ic One has a self-clean­ing effect. On slow boats such as sail­boats, the coat­ing can be cleaned as often as desired/required to pro­duce a per­fect­ly clean sur­face with extreme­ly low friction.

Vorher Nachher


The main­te­nance of Hempel’s Sil­ic One is sim­ple and easy. Main­te­nance costs are low­er than for clas­sic antifoul­ing. To keep the paint build-up effec­tive, a new top coat should be applied every oth­er year. The Hempel’s Sil­ic One build-up is more effi­cient when the boat stays in the water. If the boat is used in areas with extreme envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions or is in dry dock for an extend­ed peri­od of time, a new deck coat may be required every year.


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