Fiber composites since 1985


Was ist GFK (Glasfaser)?

What is fiberglass?

What is fiberglass?Fiberglass is a plas­tic-based com­pos­ite mate­r­i­al con­sist­ing of dry glass fibers and poly­ester resin…Wide range of applications!GRP pro­files have high strength, light weight

Why GRP structural profiles?

What are fiber glass?Fiberglass is a plas­tic-based com­pos­ite mate­r­i­al con­sist­ing of dry glass fibers and poly­ester resin…Wide range of applications!GRP pro­files have high strength, light

Fiber composite

Fiber com­pos­ites offer excep­tion­al prop­er­ties that are dif­fi­cult or impos­si­ble to match by tra­di­tion­al mate­ri­als such as steel, alu­minum or wood. Today, com­pos­ites are used

Other resin systems in fiber composites

In addi­tion to poly­ester, vinyl ester and epoxy, there are a num­ber of oth­er sys­tems with spe­cial prop­er­ties that are also used to pro­duce fiber


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