We are pleased to inform you that CTM GmbH — Composite Technologie & Material has established a new company headquarters after one year of construction. We are very happy about our new office, which opens many new possibilities for us. The working environment of our employees will improve in our own interest as well as in the interest of all our customers. Now, the entire team at CTM is looking forward to continuing to drive growth, innovation and digitalization in the new and larger space. With our new company building, we are creating more storage capacity to be able to respond even better and faster to customer orders in the future.
From now on you can reach us under the following contact details:
Maria-Goeppert-Mayer Street 5
24837 Schleswig
04621 / 9 55 33
We ask you to consider this for the correspondence with us. The other contact options will not change for you. You can reach us by phone, e‑mail and fax under the existing numbers and e‑mail addresses.
Your CTM Team