Fiber composites since 1985

Why Corecell is the best choice for boat building

When it comes to build­ing boats and oth­er mar­itime appli­ca­tions, choos­ing the right core mate­r­i­al plays a cru­cial role. One of the most com­mon­ly used core mate­ri­als on the mar­ket is Core­cell. In this arti­cle, you will learn every­thing you need to know about Core­cell, its prop­er­ties and appli­ca­tions, and why it is the best choice for boat building.

Corecell Schaum

What is Corecell?

Gurit’s Core­cell is a struc­tur­al foam core mate­r­i­al made from SAN poly­mer. It is known for its excel­lent prop­er­ties, such as high stiff­ness with low weight and good impact resis­tance. Core­cell is char­ac­ter­ized by its reli­able pro­cess­ing, which occurs with­out out­gassing and enables high-qual­i­ty parts.

Corecell properties

Core­cell has a num­ber of prop­er­ties that make it a pop­u­lar core mate­r­i­al for boat­build­ing. One of the most impor­tant prop­er­ties of Core­cell is its high shear strength and elon­ga­tion, which gives it high resis­tance to impact loads. It also has low resin absorp­tion and good com­pres­sive strength and stiff­ness. In addi­tion, Core­cell is resis­tant to mois­ture and chem­i­cal attack.

Corecell applications

Core­cell struc­tur­al cores are an ide­al struc­tur­al foam for light­weight and high-strength sand­wich lam­i­nates and are used in a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions includ­ing wind ener­gy, marine, auto­mo­tive, archi­tec­ture, sports, med­ical and engi­neer­ing. Core­cell struc­tur­al cores offer increased per­for­mance, strength and stability.

FAQ — Corecell

Core­cell can be processed using var­i­ous pro­cess­ing tech­nolo­gies such as hand lay-up, infu­sion and prepreg.

Core­cell can be fas­tened with adhe­sives such as epoxy resins, acrylics and urethanes.


Core­cell struc­tur­al cores are an ide­al struc­tur­al foam for light­weight and high-strength sand­wich lam­i­nates and are used in a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions includ­ing wind ener­gy, marine, auto­mo­tive, archi­tec­ture, sports, med­ical and engi­neer­ing. Core­cell struc­tur­al cores offer increased per­for­mance, strength and sta­bil­i­ty. If you are inter­est­ed in using Core­cell™ for your appli­ca­tion, vis­it our online store and choose from a wide range of Core­cell™ prod­ucts. We also offer expert tech­ni­cal advice and sup­port to ensure you get the best mate­r­i­al for your needs.


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