Fiber composites since 1985

Lightweight construction with core materials

In the world of boat build­ing and com­pos­ite design, core mate­ri­als are essen­tial to increase the stiff­ness and reduce the weight of a com­pos­ite struc­ture. In this arti­cle, we will dis­cuss the var­i­ous Gurit foam cores and their appli­ca­tions in boat­build­ing, wind ener­gy and oth­er indus­tries. Gurit offers a wide range of core mate­ri­als to suit any spec­i­fi­ca­tion and man­u­fac­tur­ing process. Core struc­tures are offered in sheet form and with a vari­ety of cut pat­terns or fin­ish­es to suit cus­tomer needs or pro­cess­ing choices.

Core materials — a comprehensive overview

Kernmaterialien Corecell-Schaum

Gurit® Core­cell™ is a SAN (styrene acry­loni­trile) poly­mer-based struc­tur­al foam core mate­r­i­al with high tough­ness and impact resis­tance. Gurit® Core­cell™ has gained accep­tance for the con­struc­tion of large, high per­for­mance struc­tures through a wide range of pro­cess­ing methods.

Kernmaterialien PVC-Schaum

Gurit® PVC is a closed-cell, cross-linked PVC (polyvinyl chlo­ride) foam with excel­lent chem­i­cal resis­tance, low water absorp­tion and excel­lent ther­mal insulation.

Kernmaterialien Kerdyn Green
Ker­dyn™ Green

Gurit® Ker­dyn™ Green is a struc­tur­al foam made from up to 100% recy­cled PET. It is the per­fect solu­tion for appli­ca­tions that require a bal­ance between mechan­i­cal per­for­mance, resin absorp­tion capac­i­ty and sustainability.

Finishing options for Corecell, PVC & Kerdyn

CTM also offers a wide range of fab­ri­ca­tion options for core com­pos­ites tai­lored to cus­tomers’ spe­cif­ic require­ments. CTM can sup­ply sand­wich mate­ri­als in the form of sheets or blanks and can also pro­duce them in var­i­ous thick­ness­es, den­si­ties and cut­ting pat­terns to meet cus­tomers’ requirements.

PL — Plain

Smooth plate — Opti­mal mate­r­i­al prop­er­ties. Lim­it­ed bend­ing in the mold.

BH — Bleed­er Holes

Per­fo­rat­ed plate for bet­ter evac­u­a­tion of air in vac­u­um applications.

BH2 — Bleed­er Holes

Per­fo­rat­ed plate for bet­ter evac­u­a­tion of air in vac­u­um applications.

CS — Contour/Scrim

Pro­vides opti­mum flex­i­bil­i­ty in two direc­tions. The plates are diced by knife cut and glued to a glass support.

VIC — One sided

Vac­u­um infu­sion groov­ing — Grooves spe­cial­ly milled for the vac­u­um infu­sion process to allow the resin to flow well.

VIC with BH
VIC with BH

Com­bines vac­u­um infu­sion groov­ing with bleed­er holes as well as their properties

VIC two sided
VIC — two sided

Vac­u­um infu­sion groov­ing (both sides) — Grooves spe­cial­ly milled for the vac­u­um infu­sion process to allow the resin to flow well.

VIC BH two sided
VIC — two sided

Com­bines vac­u­um infu­sion groov­ing (both sides) — with bleed­er holes as well as their properties.

SC — Sin­gle Cut

Increas­es the flex­i­bil­i­ty in one direc­tion on one or both sides of the plate.

DC — Dou­ble Cut

Increas­es bi-direc­tion­al pli­a­bil­i­ty on one or both sides of the plate. When both sides are cut, the cuts over­lap, pro­vid­ing the DC with an effi­cient flow medi­um for infusions.

TC — Triple Cut

Offers the same advan­tages as the DC, but in one direc­tion even high­er flex­i­bil­i­ty with slight­ly high­er resin absorption.

Advantages of Gurit core materials

One way to take full advan­tage of core mate­ri­als is to use sand­wich con­struc­tion. A sand­wich con­struc­tion con­sists of a light­weight core mate­r­i­al between two dense face sheets. This pro­vides increased stiff­ness and strength with­out increas­ing the weight of the struc­ture. The face sheets are made of fiber-rein­forced plas­tic or metal.

The use of light­weight pan­els in sand­wich struc­tures offers numer­ous advan­tages, includ­ing increased stiff­ness and strength, improved vibra­tion damp­ing, bet­ter heat and sound insu­la­tion, high­er resis­tance to fatigue, and low­er weight. The use of core mate­ri­als also allows larg­er struc­tures to be man­u­fac­tured, as weight is reduced with­out com­pro­mis­ing stiffness.

2020 09 04 core materials

Anoth­er advan­tage of using Gurit foams is that they meet the require­ments of the marine indus­try. Many of these foams are approved by clas­si­fi­ca­tion soci­eties such as Ger­man­is­ch­er Lloyd (GL) and Det Norske Ver­i­tas (DNV), which means they meet inter­na­tion­al stan­dards for ship­build­ing. These approvals ensure that Gurit foams can be used in ship­build­ing appli­ca­tions where high demands are made on strength, stiff­ness and stability.


If you are a boat builder or oper­a­tions man­ag­er and need light­weight but strong con­struc­tion, con­sid­er core mate­ri­als. Gurit offers a wide range of core mate­ri­als to meet any require­ment, includ­ing Core­cell™, Gurit® Ker­dyn™ Green and Gurit® PVC. With their advanced prop­er­ties, these core mate­ri­als can help improve the effi­cien­cy and longevi­ty of your boats and oth­er structures.

Vis­it our online store and select the core mate­r­i­al that best fits your needs. Expe­ri­ence the ben­e­fits of core mate­ri­als in your next boat build­ing or struc­tur­al project.

FAQ — Core materials

Core mate­ri­als are light­weight, porous mate­ri­als used as cores in com­pos­ites such as fiber com­pos­ites or met­al com­pos­ites. They serve to reduce the weight of the work­piece while increas­ing its stiff­ness and strength.

There are dif­fer­ent types of core mate­ri­als, includ­ing foams such as PVC, SAN, PET, poly­styrene or polyurethane, as well as hon­ey­comb struc­tures such as alu­minum or card­board hon­ey­combs and foam cores made of aramid or car­bon fibers.

Core mate­ri­als are usu­al­ly low den­si­ty, light­weight and have high stiff­ness and strength. They also pro­vide excel­lent ther­mal and sound insu­la­tion and are easy to machine.

Core mate­ri­als are used in a wide range of indus­tries, includ­ing aero­space, auto­mo­tive, sports equip­ment and mar­itime light­weight con­struc­tion. They are main­ly used in sand­wich con­struc­tions to reduce the weight of com­po­nents and increase their stiff­ness and strength.

The use of core mate­ri­als can sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce com­po­nent weight, result­ing in improved fuel effi­cien­cy and per­for­mance. They also offer greater stiff­ness and strength and improved damp­ing prop­er­ties. In addi­tion, they are easy to machine and can be used in var­i­ous applications.

When select­ing core mate­ri­als, var­i­ous fac­tors must be con­sid­ered, includ­ing the require­ments of the spe­cif­ic appli­ca­tion, such as weight, strength, damp­ing prop­er­ties, heat resis­tance, and resis­tance to mois­ture and chem­i­cals. Selec­tion of the right core mate­r­i­al also depends on man­u­fac­tur­ing tech­nolo­gies, cost and availability.


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