Fiber composites since 1985


As Gurit’s gen­er­al dis­trib­u­tor in Ger­many for the field of inno­v­a­tive com­pos­ite mate­ri­als and lead­ing tech­nol­o­gy part­ner, CTM will con­tin­ue to devote itself increas­ing­ly to the intro­duc­tion of sus­tain­able mate­ri­als in 2022. With the launch of the AmproTM mul­ti-pur­pose epoxy sys­tems with AmproTM hard­en­ers and AmproTM bio and SEAL resin, new stan­dards have already been set, the new PrimeTM 37 infu­sion resin with AmpregTM 3X hard­en­ers and high bio con­tent rein­forces our sus­tain­abil­i­ty pro­gram in the epoxy area.

With the use of flax fibers from our part­ner BComp in com­bi­na­tion with the 100% recy­cled Ker­dyn PET foam, we are con­tin­u­ing to dri­ve for­ward the expan­sion of CO2-free com­po­nents. In this area we still have some excit­ing mate­ri­als and projects in prepa­ra­tion, more details will fol­low in the com­ing months — be curious.

The right material for your application!


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Produktkatalog 2025

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