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Which antifouling is right?

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Which antifouling is right?

Bewuchs ohne Antifouling
Foul­ing on the hull 

If microor­gan­isms, plants or even ani­mals attach them­selves to the hull of a ship, this is known as “foul­ing”. The attached organ­isms increase the flow resis­tance of the ship and lead on the one hand to a reduc­tion in speed and on the oth­er hand to an increase in fuel con­sump­tion. Antifoul­ing is gen­er­al­ly under­stood to mean prod­ucts that pre­vent foul­ing organ­isms from set­tling on ships, boats and yachts. 

Types of antifouling

Which antifoul­ing is most suit­able depends on the water, as well as the boat and its speed. On our web­site we offer you var­i­ous high-per­for­mance antifoul­ing prod­ucts from Hempel. We will be hap­py to advise you on the choice of the right prod­uct at any time. Please do not hes­i­tate and con­tact us.

As the name sug­gests, hard antifoul­ing agents form a hard sur­face and are par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for fast motor­boats and trail­er boats.

Soft antifoul­ing or self-pol­ish­ing antifoul­ing, has a spe­cial pol­ish­ing effect. Both the foul­ing and the antifoul­ing grind off dur­ing sail­ing. These prod­ucts are ide­al for sailboats.

Thin-film antifoul­ing forms a hard, low-fric­tion sur­face to which new growth — whether ani­mal or veg­etable — has a very hard time sticking.

By elim­i­nat­ing bio­cides in antifoul­ing paints, bio­cide-free antifoul­ing pro­vides a tox­in-free and sus­tain­able solu­tion for under­wa­ter hull coating.

Hempel Antifouling — Products and Applications 

7183A Mille NCT 25


A high per­for­mance self-pol­ish­ing antifoul­ing based on Hempel’s patent­ed binder tech­nol­o­gy where self-pol­ish­ing is con­trolled by sea­wa­ter inter­ac­tion with the binder. The effec­tive bio­cide com­bi­na­tion and self-renew­al effect result in last­ing pro­tec­tion. Mille NCT is com­pat­i­ble with vir­tu­al­ly all oth­er antifoul­ing sys­tems. Excel­lent col­or fastness.


  • Excel­lent col­or reproduction
  • Com­pat­i­ble with all oth­er antifoul­ing systems
  • With suit­able primer also on aluminum
7683A Hard Racing TecCel 25


Is a hard antifoul­ing, which is smoother and less fric­tion due to the Tec­Cel addi­tive. Designed for all fast motor and speed boats and own­ers who val­ue per­for­mance and speed. Use as anti-foul­ing for the under­wa­ter area.


  • With suit­able primer also on aluminum
  • Reduces fric­tion
  • Increased speed
71220 Classic 25


Is an antifoul­ing paint with sol­u­ble binder. This prod­uct does not con­tain organ­ic tin com­pounds as active bio­cides and com­plies with the require­ments of the “Inter­na­tion­al Con­ven­tion on the Con­trol of Harm­ful Antifoul­ing Sys­tems on Ships” as adopt­ed by the IMO in Octo­ber 2001 (IMO doc­u­ment AFS/CONF/26).


  • Excel­lent pro­tec­tion through­out the season

Biocide-free antifouling

Bio­cide-free antifoul­ing is a type of antifoul­ing that does not use envi­ron­men­tal­ly harm­ful bio­cides. To min­i­mize the impact on aquat­ic ecosys­tems, Hempel bio­cide-free antifoul­ings are the right choice. They ensure that foul­ing organ­isms no longer set­tle so eas­i­ly on the hull or pro­peller and may fall off. If your antifoul­ing is bio­cide-free, you can start your cruise with a clear con­science and face few­er prob­lems with disposal.

Hempel’s Fouling Release systems

Bio­cide-free sil­i­cone and hydro­gel-based prod­ucts give the coat­ing sur­face water-like prop­er­ties. This means that foul­ing organ­isms can no longer set­tle so eas­i­ly on the hull and fall off more quick­ly when the boat is in motion.

Hempel Yacht

Biocide-free products from Hempel

Silic One


Is a bio­cide-free, high solids foul­ing release coat­ing that cures with mois­ture in the air. Based on sil­i­cone, a hydro­gel micro­lay­er pro­vides a smooth, low sur­face ener­gy repel­lent coat­ing that pre­vents organ­isms from adher­ing to the hull and pro­pellers while the sil­i­cone poly­mers allow self-cleaning.


  • Excel­lent protection
  • Ensures high mechan­i­cal strength
27450 Silic One Tiecoat 75


Is a high solids, sil­i­cone based, mois­ture cure adhe­sion primer for Hempel’s Sil­ic One 77450. It pro­vides adhe­sion between Hempel’s Light Primer 45550 and Hempel’s Sil­ic One 77450. Also suit­able for touch up and repair work in dam­aged areas. Suit­able for all sub­strates except wood.


  • Primer for Sil­ic One
45441 Silic Seal 25


Is a two-com­po­nent epoxy resin that allows easy change from antifoul­ing to HEMPEL Sil­ic One Foul­ing Release Sys­tem. It can be applied to an exist­ing antifoul­ing sys­tem that is in good con­di­tion. For use as a bond­ing agent on top of the antifoul­ing to ensure adhe­sion between the antifoul­ing and Hempel’s Sil­ic One Tiecoat 27450. For all sub­strates except wood.


  • Primer on exist­ing antifouling
Hempaspeed TF 075

HEMPEL’S Hempaspeed TF

Hempaspeed TF is a bio­cide-free thin film antifoul­ing with very high per­for­mance. It forms an extreme­ly smooth sur­face that min­i­mizes foul­ing and reduces fric­tion. For use as an antifoul­ing for boats made of GRP, steel and alu­minum. Suit­able for recre­ation­al boats and rac­ing and regat­ta boats. Ide­al for use in both fresh and salt water.


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