Dear customers,
we would like to inform that Gurit has completely stopped the production of the renowned resin systems EpoSeal 300, SP106, SP115 and SP320 as of 30.6.2020 and thus the conversion to the multi-purpose epoxy system AMPRO™, AMPRO™ Seal and AMPRO™ BIO has been completed. From now on, we can also supply all Ampro™ resins (3.25kg and 1kg) and hardeners (0.95kg and 0.33kg) individually.
Introduction to the Ampro — Epoxy Multipurpose System
The brand new AMPRO multi-purpose epoxy system surpasses and replaces Gurit’s previous range of multi-purpose systems for carpenters and boat builders. AMPRO is an easy-to-use, general-purpose epoxy that can be used for bonding, coating, laminating and filling. With its fast-acting curing agent that is effective at temperatures as low as 5°C and its simple 3:1 mix ratio, AMPRO offers a quick and convenient way to use an epoxy system for a variety of tasks:
- Professional boat building of choice for bonding, laminating and filling.
- Excellent protection for coating a wide range of woods
- Low toxicity, solvent-free formulation to protect the user
- Proprietary formulation with next-generation bio-based chemistry
- Superior properties: improved flexibility and tack-free surface for wood coating/bonding
- Wide working window from +5°C and easy 3:1 mixing ratio, helps increase productivity
- Refinishing window of up to 4 days without intermediate sanding.
The current AMPRO™ delivery program is completely available from stock in Schleswig and the advantages have convinced our regular customers. Here is the current AMPRO™ primer for download:
[download id=“1978”]