Fiber composites since 1985

Launch | Ampro Multipurpose Epoxy System

Dear cus­tomers,

we would like to inform that Gurit has com­plete­ly stopped the pro­duc­tion of the renowned resin sys­tems EpoSeal 300, SP106, SP115 and SP320 as of 30.6.2020 and thus the con­ver­sion to the mul­ti-pur­pose epoxy sys­tem AMPRO™, AMPRO™ Seal and AMPRO™ BIO has been com­plet­ed. From now on, we can also sup­ply all Ampro™ resins (3.25kg and 1kg) and hard­en­ers (0.95kg and 0.33kg) individually.

Introduction to the Ampro — Epoxy Multipurpose System

Gurit Authorised Distributor for Ampro

The brand new AMPRO mul­ti-pur­pose epoxy sys­tem sur­pass­es and replaces Gurit’s pre­vi­ous range of mul­ti-pur­pose sys­tems for car­pen­ters and boat builders. AMPRO is an easy-to-use, gen­er­al-pur­pose epoxy that can be used for bond­ing, coat­ing, lam­i­nat­ing and fill­ing. With its fast-act­ing cur­ing agent that is effec­tive at tem­per­a­tures as low as 5°C and its sim­ple 3:1 mix ratio, AMPRO offers a quick and con­ve­nient way to use an epoxy sys­tem for a vari­ety of tasks:

  • Pro­fes­sion­al boat build­ing of choice for bond­ing, lam­i­nat­ing and filling.
  • Excel­lent pro­tec­tion for coat­ing a wide range of woods
  • Low tox­i­c­i­ty, sol­vent-free for­mu­la­tion to pro­tect the user
  • Pro­pri­etary for­mu­la­tion with next-gen­er­a­tion bio-based chemistry
  • Supe­ri­or prop­er­ties: improved flex­i­bil­i­ty and tack-free sur­face for wood coating/bonding
  • Wide work­ing win­dow from +5°C and easy 3:1 mix­ing ratio, helps increase productivity
  • Refin­ish­ing win­dow of up to 4 days with­out inter­me­di­ate sanding.

The cur­rent AMPRO™ deliv­ery pro­gram is com­plete­ly avail­able from stock in Schleswig and the advan­tages have con­vinced our reg­u­lar cus­tomers. Here is the cur­rent AMPRO™ primer for down­load:
[down­load id=“1978”]


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