Fiber composites since 1985

Generation change at CTM | January 2022

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

in the year 2022 you can expect some joy­ful changes at CTM GmbH. These are on the one hand the gen­er­a­tion change at CTM, on the oth­er hand the expan­sion of the prod­uct range and ser­vice offers. The gen­er­a­tion change will take place flu­ent­ly in the busi­ness year: On Jan. 1, 2022, Lars Thom­sen and Thor­ben Will will both join the man­age­ment and become share­hold­ers of the CTM GmbH.

At the end of March, Ralf Tap­ken will leave the man­age­ment and take on new tasks. Lars Thom­sen is known to most cus­tomers and part­ners from the past years as sales man­ag­er at CTM. As a mas­ter boat and ship builder as well as a busi­ness econ­o­mist of the craft, he is a proven expert for all top­ics relat­ed to mod­ern boat build­ing. The acqui­si­tion of CTM is the next log­i­cal step for his future.

Generation change at CTM - the new management
From left to right: Lars Thom­sen, Thor­ben Will, Ralf Tapken

Generation change: who are the new faces?

Thor­ben Will, whole­sale and export trad­er and busi­ness econ­o­mist, also joins CTM as man­ag­ing direc­tor and part­ner on 1.1.2022. Due to his exten­sive expe­ri­ence in mar­ket­ing and sales tasks at large Ger­man ship­yards as well as in the sup­ply indus­try, Thor­ben Will will focus on the top­ics of mar­ket­ing and sales. As gen­er­al agent of Gurit in Ger­many, Aus­tria, Czech Repub­lic, Den­mark, Hun­gary and Slo­va­kia for the field of inno­v­a­tive com­pos­ite mate­ri­als and lead­ing tech­nol­o­gy part­ner, CTM will increas­ing­ly focus on the intro­duc­tion of sus­tain­able mate­ri­als in 2022.

With the launch of the Ampro mul­ti-pur­pose epoxy sys­tems with Ampro hard­en­ers and Ampro Bio and SEAL resin, new stan­dards have already been set, the new Prime 37 infu­sion resin with Ampreg hard­en­ers and high bio con­tent rein­forces our sus­tain­abil­i­ty pro­gram in the epoxy area. With the use of flax fibers from our part­ner BComp in com­bi­na­tion with the 100% recy­cled Ker­dyn PET foam, we con­tin­ue to dri­ve the expan­sion of CO2-free com­po­nents. In this area we still have some excit­ing mate­ri­als and projects in prepa­ra­tion, more details will fol­low in the com­ing months.

CTM’s claim to be able to pro­vide our cus­tomers with our prod­uct range quick­ly and at short notice at all times has paid off with the invest­ment in our own Ampreg mix­ing and fill­ing machine and the build-up of stor­age capac­i­ties in a tur­bu­lent mar­ket envi­ron­ment. In spring 2022, we are also plan­ning to move to sig­nif­i­cant­ly larg­er premis­es in the imme­di­ate neigh­bor­hood. This will cre­ate fur­ther stor­age capac­i­ty to enable us to respond even faster to cus­tomer orders in the future.

Über die CTM: 

CTM Logo

CTM GmbH is an inter­na­tion­al­ly oper­at­ing whole­saler for com­pos­ite mate­ri­als. As a dis­trib­u­tor of high-qual­i­ty fiber com­pos­ite mate­ri­als, CTM GmbH offers future-ori­ent­ed solu­tions for light­weight con­struc­tion in indus­try, wind ener­gy, marine and med­i­cine. CTM offers its cus­tomers com­pe­tent advice and a com­plete range of prod­ucts for the pro­duc­tion of any fiber com­pos­ite component. 

Due to the many years of expe­ri­ence of the employ­ees, espe­cial­ly in process­es such as infu­sion, cus­tomers can always receive com­pe­tent advice on ques­tions regard­ing process tech­nol­o­gy. The range includes high-qual­i­ty epoxy resin sys­tems from GURIT as well as poly­ester resin sys­tems from Scott Bad­er. Car­bon fiber and glass fiber prod­ucts come from renowned man­u­fac­tur­ers such as Sel­com and Gurit.

Since more and more joints in the future will be made by bond­ing instead of screw­ing, CTM pays spe­cial atten­tion to high-per­for­mance adhe­sives. Here, high­ly flex­i­ble SMP adhe­sives from BOSTIK are avail­able, as well as epoxy-based struc­tur­al adhe­sives from GURIT and MMA-based adhe­sives from Scott Bad­er. The port­fo­lio is round­ed off with the HEMPEL and De IJs­sel brands. Under these brands, CTM offers antifoul­ings, primers and coat­ings for the pro­fes­sion­al user to choose from. 


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