Fiber composites since 1985

Ampro is my new favourite!

Table of contents 

Sven Kraja and his experience with Ampro

“I have been a boat builder for 30 years and have worked with epoxy all my work life.

What a dif­fer­ence now with the new Ampro sys­tem: no sticky sur­faces, the sand­pa­per can be used many times longer than before and the long recoat peri­od makes the work relaxed and with very good results. Also the final coat­ing with the CLR hard­en­er deliv­ered a super gloss lev­el on the checker­board carbon!

A real­ly big step for­ward — my new favorite is Ampro!”

Sven Kra­ja

Boat­builder and sail­mak­er
Frog Sails Schleswig
World and Euro­pean Cham­pi­on in Beach Sailing

Why you should choose Ampro!

Gurit’s AmproTM is the first choice for pro­fes­sion­als for bond­ing, lam­i­nat­ing, coat­ing and fill­ing! It is very easy to use, has very low tox­i­c­i­ty and is also solvent-free.

What is a multipurpose epoxy system? 

This is a mul­ti-pur­pose epoxy sys­tem of the lat­est gen­er­a­tion from Gurit. It is an easy-to-use sys­tem that can be used for bond­ing, coat­ing, lam­i­nat­ing and filling.

Coat­ing — Bond­ing — Fill­ing — Laminating

What makes AMPRO™ the market-leading multi-purpose system? 

This mul­ti-pur­pose epoxy is an easy-to-use sys­tem with a wide range of appli­ca­tions, which has the fol­low­ing properties:

  • Pro­fes­sion­al: The boat and marine builder’s choice for bond­ing, lam­i­nat­ing and filling.
  • Safer: Reduced tox­ic ingre­di­ents with few­er dangers
  • Stronger: More flex­i­ble resin matrix ide­al for work­ing with wood
  • Non-tacky: No armin red­ness after cur­ing and no smear­ing of sandpaper
  • Water­proof: AMPRO™ SILICA has been opti­mized for marine applications
  • Wide recoat buffer: open for up to 4 days with­out sanding
  • Faster: Improved cur­ing at low tem­per­a­tures down to +5°C.
  • Gloss: Improved gloss lev­el dur­ing coat­ing with almost defect-free surface
  • Card­board pack­ag­ing: Less plastic
  • More sus­tain­able: Accred­it­ed bio-based option with plant-based ingredients
  • Sim­pler: Four dif­fer­ent sys­tem with same mix­ing ratio 3:1.

What does bio-based mean? 

AMPRO™ was devel­oped using the same approach as the award-win­ning Ampreg™ 3X Series, which focus­es on user health and safe­ty through care­ful selec­tion of base chemicals.

The new low tox­i­c­i­ty resin matrix is CMR and SVHC free. Gurit care­ful­ly selects the chem­i­cals used to ensure the low­est pos­si­ble risk of future reclas­si­fi­ca­tion — ensur­ing the safe­ty of our prod­ucts and the health and safe­ty of end users. This approach is part of Gurit’s philosophy.

Focus on health and safety


Our man­u­fac­tur­er Gurit is try­ing to avoid the depen­dence on petro­le­um-based chem­i­cals by using alter­na­tive raw mate­ri­als with sus­tain­able plant-based ori­gins. These sources are by-prod­ucts of the food chain and are con­vert­ed to epoxy chem­i­cals and used to for­mu­late AMPRO™ BIO. Gurit’s unique bio-based tech­nol­o­gy deliv­ers excel­lent per­for­mance and is cur­rent­ly the only “OK bio-based” sys­tem cer­ti­fied by TÜV:

AmproTM — Products and typical applications 

Ampro | One system, different applications



This is the improved suc­ces­sor to SP106, which has proven itself for many years. It is a mul­ti-pur­pose epoxy sys­tem for glu­ing, coat­ing and fill­ing and is par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for the pro­duc­tion of wood-epoxy com­pos­ite com­po­nents. For high­ly trans­par­ent coat­ings the hard­en­er Ampro CLR is recommended.

Ampro Bio


This mul­ti-pur­pose epoxy sys­tem is made with over 40% organ­ic con­tent from pressed coconut shell oil, mak­ing it extreme­ly sus­tain­able. Togeth­er with flat fibers and Ker­dyn PET foam made from recy­cled bot­tles, this is a sus­tain­able alter­na­tive. The hard­en­ers are the same as for the Ampro system.

Ampro Clear


This is the improved suc­ces­sor to SP320 and SP115, which have proven them­selves for many years. It is an extreme­ly clear mul­ti-pur­pose epoxy sys­tem with improved UV prop­er­ties and is par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for coat­ing nat­ur­al wood and build­ing surf­boards. The resin base is Ampro resin, the hard­en­er is spe­cial­ly formulated.



This is the seal­er based on Ampro hard­en­ers and the improved suc­ces­sor of the sol­vent-based Eposeal 300. As it is sol­vent-free, it has an extreme­ly short recoat inter­val and is there­fore con­sid­er­ably faster to apply. The resin base is spe­cial­ly for­mu­lat­ed, the hard­en­ers cor­re­spond to the AmproTM CLR or stan­dard hardeners.

Which Ampro for which application?

The prod­uct con­sists of exchange­able resins, mix­able hard­en­ers and addi­tives for many appli­ca­tions. The fol­low­ing table takes you step-by-step through the options for choos­ing the right AMPRO™ system.

The choice of the right system

Low work­ing temperatures--
Clear coat­ing ---
Wood coat­ing-
Bio-based ingre­di­ents< 10%-40 — 60%40 — 60%
Seal­ing and prim­ing porous surfaces---
Fill­ing, spack­ling or bonding-
Filler mate­ri­als--

The choice of hardener speeds

Open time with brush at 20°C1- 2 hours4 — 5 hours5 — 6 hours
50g Pot life in air at 20°C30 min­utes1 hour1,5 hour

The choice of the right fill material

AMPRO Sil­i­ca
Fill­ing & spackling Easy to sand, fill and cov­ing for opti­cal wood applications--
Water­proof or inex­pen­sive put­ties
for all applications
Hard sur­face coat­ing on sur­faces and edges --
Bond­ingGen­er­al bond­ing of soft woods, col­or brown--
Gen­er­al bond­ing of soft woods, col­or white--
Struc­tur­al bond­ing of wood or com­pos­ite, opaque color--


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