Under DownÂloads > ManÂuÂals & ExplaÂnaÂtions you will find imporÂtant inforÂmaÂtion about fiber comÂposÂites, proÂcessÂing, instrucÂtions, as well as inforÂmaÂtion and tips. Do you need inforÂmaÂtion on the appliÂcaÂtion of our prodÂucts? TechÂniÂcal data sheets and safeÂty data sheets for our artiÂcles can be found under the secÂtion: ProdÂucts.
Due to the variÂety of difÂferÂent data, it can always hapÂpen that you do not find the desired inforÂmaÂtion here. Should this be the case, you can conÂtact us at the phone number:
Tel.: +49 4621 95533
We have a soluÂtion for almost everything!
Downloads | Manuals and technical notes
- Anleitung â Der richtige Umgang mit CFK Carbon
- Anleitung â Reparatur von GFK-Booten und Bauteilen
- Anleitung â Verkleben metÂallisÂchÂer Oberflachen
- Anleitung â Kleben und AbdichtÂen von Teakdecks
- Anleitung â BeschichÂtung mit Ampro Clear
- Anleitung â Schleifen & Polieren von GelÂcoat & Lack
- Anleitung â Schleifen von Light & Gel Primer
- Anleitung â Schleifen von Epoxydspachtel