Fiber composites since 1985

Ampro | Simplification of the product range!

Ampro from Gurit is the ide­al mul­ti-pur­pose epoxy resin sys­tem for pro­fes­sion­al crafts­men. It is easy to han­dle, sol­vent-free and has very low tox­i­c­i­ty. Ampro is wide­ly used in the boat and ship­build­ing indus­try and is ide­al for bond­ing, lam­i­nat­ing, coat­ing and fill­ing. The resin is water­proof and is ide­al for marine appli­ca­tions. The new low tox­i­c­i­ty resin matrix is CMR and SVHC free and part of Gurit’s health and safe­ty philosophy.

Ampro Bio — the future is green


What makes Ampro so spe­cial is its bio-based tech­nol­o­gy, which is based on sus­tain­able, plant-based raw mate­ri­als. These sources are by-prod­ucts of the food chain and are con­vert­ed into epoxy chem­i­cals that are used to for­mu­late Ampro Bio. Ampro is cur­rent­ly the only “bio-based” sys­tem cer­ti­fied by TÜV.

The perfect multipurpose epoxy resin system

Ampro used to be avail­able in four dif­fer­ent sys­tems, includ­ing Ampro, Ampro Bio, Ampro CLR and Ampro SEAL. Each sys­tem offered a vari­ety of appli­ca­tion possibilities.

Gurit will offer a sim­pli­fied selec­tion of mul­ti-pur­pose epoxy sys­tems in the future: Ampro — the all-rounder and Ampro Bio — the sus­tain­able one. Both prod­ucts are ide­al for coat­ing nat­ur­al wood and as all-round epoxy resins for bond­ing, lam­i­nat­ing and coat­ing. Both prod­ucts are now used with the same hard­en­er — the Ampro Clear hard­en­er — in the three hard­en­er speeds fast, slow and extra slow.

Ampro mini
Ampro — The allrounder
Ampro Bio mini
Ampro BIO — The sustainable

With just two vari­ants, Ampro — the all­rounder and Ampro Bio — the sus­tain­able one, choos­ing the per­fect mul­ti-pur­pose epoxy resin sys­tem is eas­i­er than ever. That means more time for you to focus on your project and ensure you get the best pos­si­ble result. And the best part? Both prod­ucts are ide­al for coat­ing nat­ur­al wood and are all-around epoxy resins for bond­ing, lam­i­nat­ing and coat­ing. Trust Ampro to meet your needs and unleash your creativity!


fon: +49 (0) 4621 95533
fax: +49 (0) 4621 95535

Produktkatalog 2022

Broschüre Konstruktionsprofile